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Press Releases

NYC Health + Hospitals Introduces Advanced Meal Delivery System to Enhance the Patient Experience

Sep 12, 2018

Eva Lewis, service aide at NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island, delivers to patient William Garrison his food at just the right temperature, freshly drawn from a new state-of-the-art delivery cart.
New York, NY

NYC Health + Hospitals announced today it is rolling out a new advanced meal delivery system throughout its hospitals to enhance the patient experience. Manufactured by Dinex, the Thermal Aire III carts are equipped with technology that ensures food reaches hospital patients at optimal temperatures and maintains its nutritious elements.

In August NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island became the first public hospital to introduce the meal delivery system, rolling out 23 state-of-the-art food delivery carts that are equipped with a refrigerator and a low-temperature convection oven. Hot food maintains its temperature for 50-minutes while in the unit, which allows ample time for delivery from the hospital’s kitchen to patient rooms. In addition to keeping hot foods moist, the convection oven also expands menu options over the old system.

“We recognize the important role that proper nutrition plays in helping the body heal,” said William A. Brown, chief executive officer of NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island. “With our new food system, patients are presented with nutritious food products that are appealing to the eyes, touch, and most importantly, taste buds.”

“I am impressed,” said Gloria C., who was a patient at NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island during the transition phase to the new food delivery system. “This makes me feel important. I give the meals five stars and notice a great change in the temperature and flavor.”

The Thermal Aire III cart and docking station system saves time and production cost thanks to its more efficient meal delivery process. Each cart combines a convection oven for hot food at 220°F on one side and ventilated refrigerator for cold food as low as 33°F on the other side. Even with the technology, the cart is relatively lightweight, simplifying its management. The carts are also easy to clean and sanitize, with all components readily accessible. Real-time monitoring is built into each docking station.

The launch at NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island is the start of the second wave of implementation, which will also include NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue, /Jacobi, and /Kings County. In the rollout’s first phase, in early 2017, the Dinex system was successfully implemented at three of the public health system’s post-acute care facilities: NYC Health + Hospitals/Carter, /Coler, and /McKinney. In the third phase, expected to be completed in the fall of 2019, it will be introduced to the health system’s seven other hospitals.

The total capital investment cost for the three phases of implementation will be $11.2 million.