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Mayor De Blasio Kicks Off Covid-19 Testing Day of Action to Encourage New Yorkers to Get Tested

New Yorkers should go to nyc.gov/covidtest or text their zip code to COVID TEST to 855-48 to find the site nearest them

Jul 08, 2020

New York, NY

With the goal of testing 150,000 New Yorkers over the next week, Mayor de Blasio today kicked off the City’s COVID-19 day of action. As the City continues its phased reopening, New Yorkers are encouraged to get tested free of charge at one of the over 200 testing sites across the city, spanning every neighborhood and borough.

“Widespread testing holds the key to reopening our city safely,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Getting tested isn’t just about taking care of yourself—it’s a civic duty to your fellow New Yorkers. We have made testing as fast and convenient as possible to ensure New Yorkers have the tools they need to protect themselves and their loves ones.”

“New York City is leading cities across the country in building a fair, transparent program for New Yorkers who are truly in need to help us to recover from this virus,” said Test + Trace Corps Executive Director Dr. Ted Long. “This is a defining moment for our city, this program and our contact tracing efforts, and we are committed to doing this through building trust with New Yorkers across the five boroughs.”

The City’s Test & Trace Corps is the City’s comprehensive effort to test, trace, and treat every case of COVID-19. Through a partnership with NYC Health + Hospitals, the Corps allows the City to immediately isolate and care for those who test positive for the virus, and then rapidly track, assess, and quarantine anyone they came into contact with who they may have infected. Additional information, including program metrics and progress to-date, is available here.

In addition to diagnostic tests, free, walk-in antibody testing is available at H+H Gotham Community Health Centers across the city. New Yorkers can also obtain a free antibody test through a partnership BioReference labs through Friday, July 24th. Additional information, including hours of operation, can be found here.