NYC Health + Hospitals Hosts Health Insurance Seminars to Prepare New Yorkers for Upcoming Open-Enrollment Periods
Free seminars, open to the public, help residents understand the best health plan options for individuals and families
Oct 23, 2018
Leading up to the open-enrollment periods for Medicare and New York State of Health, the State’s official online marketplace, NYC Health + Hospitals and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are collaborating to help community partners, faith-based organizations, caregivers, and community members understand health insurance options available to them.
Health insurance specialists from CMS will provide updates on Medicaid and Medicare (Parts A,B,C and D), as well as information on initiatives underway toward improving the health care system, and how to select and purchase affordable insurance on New York State of Health. CMS will also provide details about what to expect as new Medicare cards are issued in 2018, including tips about protecting against fraud and abuse. This is the sixth consecutive year NYC Health + Hospitals and CMS are partnering to bring free seminars to communities across New York City.
The seminars are open to the public and will be held at NYC Health + Hospitals/Woodhull (Brooklyn), NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island (Brooklyn), NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi (Bronx), and NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan (Manhattan). Community partners, faith-based organizations, caregivers, community members, and NYC Health + Hospitals’ staff nearing age 65, are all encouraged to attend.
Outreach specialists from GetCoveredNYC, the City of New York’s health insurance enrollment program, will also be present to help attendees understand their coverage options and begin their enrollment.
“Choosing the insurance that is most right for you and your family can be challenging. It’s not surprising that people have questions,” said Mitchell Katz, MD, president and chief executive officer, NYC Health + Hospitals. “Having an understanding of the different insurance options is empowering, so I encourage New Yorkers to take advantage of this free information.”
With the exception of people with Medicare, the next open enrollment period for New York State of Health, when residents will be able to either change their insurance plan, or enroll in health insurance for the first time, will start on November 1, 2018. For people with Medicare, the annual enrollment period began as of October 15, 2018, and ends December 7, 2018. During this time, people with Medicare can select a Medicare Advantage plan or prescription drug plan. They can also switch plans if they are already enrolled.
Topics of information at the public seminars include:
- The benefits of Medicare and how to apply
- The parts of Medicare – Part A: hospital insurance; Part B: medical insurance (outpatient visits, lab work, preventive services); Part C: health plans; and Part D: prescription drug coverage
- The Medicare appeals process
- The Medicare programs in place for people with limited income and resources
- The new Medicare card
- Medicaid basics
- Updates on New York State of Health
- Enrollment resources and assistance for the uninsured provided by GetCoveredNYC
- Health in their neighborhood
“With open-enrollment fast approaching, training our community partners and community members about Medicare, Medicaid, and private health insurance is as important as it has ever been,” said Frank Winter, partnership manager, CMS New York Regional External Affairs Office. “Patients have so many options regarding what coverage to select and how to access the health care system, it is important that we provide good information to them, the health insurance counselors who assist them, and the caregivers who look out for them, to make sure they are getting the services they need to stay healthy and enjoy a good quality of life.”
Registration is free and required in advance of the event. Light refreshments will be served, and attendees will have the chance to win a fitness tracker. Participants may also register by calling: 212-788-3450.
Thursday, October 25, 2018, 1:30pm – 5pm
NYC Health + Hospitals/Woodhull
Dolores E. Jackson Auditorium, 3rd Floor
760 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11206
To register, visit:
Thursday, November 8, 2018, 1:30pm – 5pm
NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi
Nurses Pavilion Conference Center (Building #4, 2nd Floor)
1400 Pelham Parkway South, Bronx, NY 10461
To register, visit:
Tuesday, November 13, 2018, 8:30am – 12:30pm
NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island
2nd Floor, Conference Center
2601 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11235
To register, visit:
Thursday, November 15, 2018, 3pm – 6:30pm
NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan
6th Floor Auditorium
1901 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10029
To register, visit: