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Office of the Inspector General

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is responsible for the investigation and elimination of corrupt or other criminal activity, conflict of interest, and unethical conduct by NYC Health + Hospitals and MetroPlusHealth Health Plan officers and employees or persons doing business with or receiving funds directly or indirectly from NYC Health + Hospitals and MetroPlusHealth Health Plan.

All persons are encouraged to report fraud, waste, conflicts of interest, violations of NYC Health + Hospitals regulations, or serious mismanagement that occur at NYC Health + Hospitals facilities. All NYC Health + Hospitals and MetroPlusHealth employees have an affirmative obligation to report such incidents to the OIG. Reports should be made while the facts are still fresh in mind. Complaints containing the following information will assist the OIG in thoroughly investigating the allegation:

  • Who was involved? (Names, addresses, contact information, if available)
  • What happened? (Summary of events, witnesses and other sources of evidence)
  • When did it happen? (Date, time, frequency)
  • Where did it happen? (Hospital, department, unit, and/or other location)
  • How do you know this information? (Personal observation, heard from another person)

There are several ways to make a report:

Online Complaint Submission:

  • Call: (212) 676-0926
  • Fax: (212) 676-0892
  • Email: OIGIntake@ig.nychhc.org
  • Postal mail (marked “Confidential”):NYC Department of Investigation
    NYC Health + Hospitals – Office of the Inspector General
    180 Maiden Lane, 21st Floor
    New York, NY 10038

Complaints to the OIG can be made via walk-in at our office located at 180 Maiden Lane.
In addition, a complaint can be made using our complaint line or web-based forms.
Thank you for your Cooperation.

Reports may be made anonymously. However, by disclosing your identity and contact information, you help to expedite the resolution of your complaint by making it easier for the OIG to contact you to answer any follow-up questions. The OIG will respect any requests for confidentiality.

If you have general questions or inquiries regarding the Office of the Inspector General, you may call the OIG’s main line at (212) 676-0932 or e-mail ig@ig.nychhc.org.

Cornelius Clancy, Inspector General
Kristin McMorrow, First Deputy Inspector General
James Liptack, Deputy Inspector General
Blair Ann Winston, Deputy Inspector General
Robin Womack, Deputy Inspector General
Thomas Mahoney, Deputy Inspector General
Peter Mills, Chief Investigator