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Shaiina Marston, BSN, RN

Shaiina Marston, BSN, RN

Staff Nurse
NYC Health + Hospitals/Correctional Health Services

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The DAISY Foundation Award for Nurses Advancing Health Equity

As a staff nurse in NYC Health + Hospitals/Correctional Health Services, Marston has first-hand experience of the importance of promoting heath equity.

“The strategy I employ entails prioritizing safety within the institutional environment, alongside a strong emphasis on rehabilitation and prevention,” she explains. “I endeavor to establish trust and establish a positive relationship with patients, particularly within the confines of their incarceration, by the provision of dignified and respectful treatment.”

Marston felt the call of nursing from the age of 12, when she and her schoolmates would visit an elderly woman during midday recess, helping her with meals, grooming and household maintenance. As an adolescent, she cared for her father when he suffered a leg fracture, and he suggested she would make an excellent nurse, due to her gentle and tender qualities.

“As a Correctional Health nurse, my approach to patient care is focused on delivering comprehensive and empathetic healthcare within the distinctive and demanding setting of a jail; I place a high emphasis on the welfare of the incarcerated individuals, acknowledging their right to equitable access to healthcare services.”
Shaiina Marston, Staff Nurse

Marston became a nurse after immigrating to the U.S. from Jamaica in 2004.

“This choice was motivated by my awareness of the responsibility I had towards my 3-year-old son, who relied on me to fulfill the role of a nurturing mother and serve as a positive role model,” she recalls. “I saw that pursuing a career in nursing would afford me the most favorable prospects for supporting my family, as well as ensuring work stability and a wide range of professional pathways.”

Marston believes that nurses individually and the nursing profession as a whole have a moral and ethical responsibility to address health disparities. Nurses play a crucial role in fostering trust and cultural sensitivity within the healthcare system,” she asserts.

“When we recognize and resolve disparities, we establish stronger connections with patients from diverse backgrounds, resulting in improved patient experiences and outcomes. On a broader scale, it is the collective responsibility of the nursing profession to advocate for policies and practices that promote health equity. By doing so, we contribute to the larger societal objective of reducing disparities and enhancing public health.”

Learn more about our Nursing Excellence Award Winners