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Lynn St. Hilaire, MA, BSN, RN, ANP

Lynn St. Hilaire, MA, BSN, RN, ANP

Vice President of Clinical Services
MetroPlus Health

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Excellence in Clinical Nursing

Lynn St. Hilaire’s favorite adage is, “a rising tide lifts all boats” and she has integrated this idea into her nursing practice for the past 37 years.

“One of my innate gifts as a nursing leader is the natural ability to get others to enthusiastically buy into systems of accountability, outstanding work ethics and expectations,” she explains. “This fosters tremendous levels of voluntary cooperation and contribution throughout my various teams, which in turn creates a perpetual ‘leadership by example’ success model.”

St. Hilaire was galvanized to become a nurse when she was a young girl and her father suffered a major coronary event. “There I was in a large, cold emergency room watching in real time the medical team save my dad’s life,” she recalls. “It was there I made my decision to become part of this great health care industry.”

“The ability to give hope to the hopeless, love to the unloved, care to the forgotten and the gift of good health to those seeking it is priceless.”
Lynn St. Hilaire, Vice President of Clinical Services

Currently working at Vice President of Clinical Services for NYC Health + Hospitals/MetroPlusHealth, St. Hilaire prides herself on taking a patient-centered approach, providing the “genuine heartwarming and comforting touch of a nurse.”

 “Whenever I engage with patients or members, I want them to walk away feeling that they mattered, and I want them to feel that they will be treated with the same level of care that I would give to my own family,” she points out. “There is no greater feeling then someone who realizes that someone else can see their point of view. That is why I seek to understand before being understood.

“My love for the nursing profession and genuine compassion for others allows me the privilege of motivating others to do what they do best,” she continues, adding ““The pure joy that comes from making a difference in the lives of others is very unique and spiritually filling.”

Learn more about our Nursing Excellence Award Winners